Chuvash Verb kur- ‘to See’: An Analysis Based on Modality and Aksionsart
İzmir Kâtip Çelebi Üniversitesi
Keywords: The Chuvash verb kur- ‘to see’, aktionsart, modality, grammaticalization, {-sA kur-} post-verb
The Chuvash verb kur- ‘to see’, is observed in some functional words and analytical structures in Chuvash by taking some converbs and tense and mood suffixes into its structure and being subjected to grammaticalization. For instance, kuran which forms a structure with the verb kur- and the Chuvash simple present tense suffix, kurĭsĭn which forms a structure with voluntatif suffix, kura which forms a structure with [-a] converb; kurĭnat’ which forms a structure with the verb kurĭn- ‘to appear’that is reflexive stem of the verb kur- and simple present tense suffix, kurni̇ ̆which forms a structure with future tense suffix, grasp attention as the functional words allowing a certain number of modality interpretations. Apart from these, the verb kur- also creates a post-verb, which becomes actional specification, in the form of {-sA kur-} in Chuvash by combining with {-sA} converb. Finally, it becomes the source of modal analytic structures in the forms of {-nĬ} kurĭnat’ and {-ni} kurĭnat’. Kuran, kurĭsĭn, kurĭnat’, kurni̇ ̆, kura functional words and {-nĬ} kurĭnat’ and {-ni} kurĭnat’ structures allow for modality interpretations that can be explained with the epistemic modality. The analytic structure that is in the form of {-sA kur-} marks attemptive actionality, egotive actional specification in which the action is performed for the subject, and the action which is performed for a short period of time. In this article, it is aimed to elaborate on the aforementioned modality and actional contents of the verb kur- and its grammatical features.