Murat Aslan

Keywords: Nesîmî, imitation, poem, Hurufism


Divan literature, which stands out with its strict rules in terms of form and content, is a cultural phenomenon in which the interaction between poets is quite high. This issue can be clearly seen in the imitation poems that are based on the harmony of a ghazal with rhyme and redif written before. Therefore, imitation poems make it possible to reach very valuable data in the context of a poet's influence on divan poetry. Nesîmî, one of the divan poets of the XIV-XVth centuries, was a caliph of Fazlullah Esterâbâdî, the founder of the Hurufism, and traveled to Anatolia and Syria to spread his belief. The poet, besides making the propaganda of Hurufism in his poems, also wrote poems independent of his belief and succeeded in influencing both the poets of his time and after. The dimensions and quality of Nesîmî's influence on divan literature stands in front of us as a matter worth researching. What sort of mass of poets did the poet influence quantitatively? Also; does this effect reflect the belief of the poet, who was a deep Hurufi and died for this cause, or were Nesîmî's non-Hurufi poems were preferred to be arranged? If Nesîmî's poems relating Hurufism were also arranged, are there any traces of the Hurufism belief in these poems? We will try to find answers to these questions in our article.