Mehmet Demirezen

Keywords: primary articulation, secondary articulation, phonetic transcription, pronunciation borrowing, phonemic opposition


Even though there has been a great complication in the field of secondary articu- lations in modern standard Turkish, this issue has not been properly handled up to now. Many of such problems wait for solutions in this regard. With the begining of the 7 century A.D. Turks had chosen the Islam as their religion, because of this many Arabic and Persian vocabulary stock influxed into Turkish, harming its features on beaing a phonetically-based language. By the further influx of the borrowed words in the subsequent years from French, Greek, Italian, German, and English into Turkish, the borrowed words have outnumbered the native Turkish words. Through the amal- gamation of native Turkish words with the borrowed words, its phonetic structure has become much more complicated in terms of secondary articulations. In this article, the phonetic complications, created by the influx of the borrowed word oderstandard Turkish, will be handled in relation to secondary articulations.