Cemil Ekiyor

Keywords: words beginning with double consonants, orthography, phonetic spelling


In this study, the problem of spelling of the words beginning with double consonants in thewords that are transferred to Turkish is investigated.Because of the fact that no word in Turkish begins with double consonants, this problemhas been tried to be resolved either by adding a vowel to the beginning of the word as iniskarpin, iskele, istasyon, istatik or by adding a vowel between double consonants as in purova,pılâsman, pılân, pılâstik, purogram. The purpose of doing this was to add a vowel to the wordin order to make the word conforming to the rules of Turkish.This problem was firstly taken into consideration in the Spelling Guide that was publishedby the Turkish Language Institution in 1941. In this guide, the double spelling of these wordssuch as plâsman-pılâsman, plâstik-pılâstik, plân-pılân, program-purogram, prova-purova, statik-istatik is recommended. In the following years, this usage is abandoned. Nevertheless,our authors, poets and important scientists have demonstrated in their essays the actual soundthat appears in talking. This situation is also conforming to the "phonetic" character of Turkishorthography.