Nurettin Demir, Süer Eker

Keywords: Ankara, dialects, dialectology, lexicon, lexicography, dialect lexicography


A Lexicon of Ankara Dialects is being prepared within the framework of the project titled, "The Documentation of Ankara Dialects" (ANADOK) funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). The material of the lexicon is made up of compilations, notes made during field research and existing publications.Dialect lexicons include the characteristics of both monolingual andbilingual dictionaries. In making entries, the common approach is to provide phonetic and semantic equivalents in the standard language. If the entry does not have an equivalent in the standard language, a definition is provided, as would be the case in a monolingual dictionary. In both situations, however, theoretical and practical problems arise while specifying, defining and exemplifying the entries.This paper focuses on such problems encountered during the preparationof the ANADOK Ankara Dialects Lexicon and discusses dialect lexicography in general and specifying and defining entries in particular