Sadettin ÖZÇELİK

Dicle Üniversitesi, Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi, Türkçe ve Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi Bölümü, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı

Keywords: Dede Korkut, Dresden manuscript, wrong spellings, wrong readings; kadunum, diregüm, döllügüm


It is possible to encounter many reading problems in historical texts written in Arabic letters. One of the reading problems is the issue of misspelled words in the text. In addition to spelling errors, there may also be spelling omissions and redundancies in these texts. Oral literary textssuch as Dede Korkut may contain more complex spelling problems than copyrighted works. In addition, when we re-read a previously read literary text, misreadings and transfers made by previous researchers in the text may be another problem. The context of the written text is the most important key that allows us to understand the text correctly and recognize and solve problems. Additionally, trying to understand the context and insisting on it guides us to read and understand the words correctly. However, sometimes there may be ongoing problems because the text is not understood correctly even though it is read correctly. No matter which method we follow, the point that should not be forgotten when presenting new reading proposals is to anticipate the questions that may be asked to us about our new proposal and prepare answers to these questions. Because being able to answer the questions that may be asked means that the text has been verified. The subject discussed in this article is related to a phrase that appears only in the Dresden manuscript. This phrase, which appears in “Dirse Khan Son Boğaç Khan Tribe”, is re-read and its meaning is emphasized. The words in the phrase in question that have previously been read and understood in different ways are re-examined in this article and reading suggestions have been offered.