Serkan ŞEN

Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü

Keywords: etymology, yalan, yala, Old Turkish


The semantic similarities of the words yala “to slander, accusation, rumor, incrimination” in old Turkish and yalan “untrue, unreal” in modern Turkish suggest that they are based on a common origin. In fact, researchers, while explaining the words, have largely based the words on nominal etymological origins. Actually, it is a common tendency to give meaning to the bases from which words are thought to be derived, based on their existing meanings, through assumptions. It cannot be said that sufficient attention has been paid to the meaning transition processes from concrete to abstract, which the words with abstract meaning must exhibit. Another obstacle to the semantic relationship to be established between yala and yalgan~yalan is the verb yala- “to blame” witnessed in Divanu Lugati’t-Türk. Because although these words belong to the same conceptual field, considering the morphology of old Turkish, it is difficult to connect them to the same origin. In this article, firstly, the forms of yala “to slander” and yalgan~yalan in the development and spread areas of Turkish will be revealed. Then, the opinions of the researchers regarding the derivation processes of these words will be conveyed and criticisms and objections will be mentioned. In order to increase the effect of speech in communication and to direct the emphasis, intonation, melody and speed of the word, it will be discussed whether both words are associated with lip and palate licking actions. Grammar of the Turkish will be used as guide in order to give direction to this discussion. The subject will cover the root of the words and etymological evaluations will be made.

Ethics Committee Approval

Ethical committee approval is not required for this research.

Conflict of Interest

The author declare no conflicts of interest in this study.

Financial Disclosure

This research received no external funding.