L. Yu. Tuguşeva

Keywords: Turkic runic script, origin


In the article is considered the question сoncerning the origin of the Turkic runic script in the light of the researches of the late time on the ancient history of the Europe. According to this investigations, before the appearance in Europe the Indoeuropean tribes there existed the civilization, which was called "the Civilization of the Goddess". In the period of existing of this civilization (about VI-IV centuries B.C.) there was in use the script, which during the thousands years of evolution in the Ancienteuropean world could pass all stages of the development to "phonetisation". By this script they wrote from the right to the left; the script had 30 basic graphic signes, by means of which they formed the syllables, consisting of consonant+vowel or of a vowel. According to its function this script was determined as "the sacred script". Proceeding from the historical circumstances it can be assumed, that the Indoeuropeans with some other peculiarities of Ancienteuropean culture also could adopt the script. By the means of Hsiung-nu (Hunns), which closely contact with Indoeuropeans, this script, according to its function called "runic script", could be adopted by the Turks. In favor of the existence of the connection between Ancienteurepean and Turkic runic script testify the similitude of some their special features. The Turkic runic script is the completely phonetic linear script, consisting of 30 (31) basic graphic signes; by this script they have written from the right to the left, and according to special features of its using, it also may be determined as the sacred script. Only due to thousands years of preceding evolution in the different period of the Eurasian history this script could become such a complete phonetic system of script, that is presented on the main Turkic runic monuments from Mongolia