Agnieszka Emilia Lesıczka

Keywords: Istanbul, Poland, oriental


Military success of the Ottoman Empire like the other states, provided withincreasing it is political power and expansion of the terriory. It's successes in militaryand political areas led to the strengthening of influence in the cultural field. One ofthese effects was training interpreters who spoke Turkish especially at the palaces inEurope and at various denomination and schools. Educating better Turkish-speakingpalace interpreters, the countries like Austria, France, Great Britain and Russiaestablished oriental schools tied to their embassies. One of them is the "Polska szkolaorientalna w Stambule/ Poland Oriental School in Istanbul in 1766, opened by Poland'slast king Stanislaw August Poniatowski (1732-1798) with initiative of Netherlands'Ambassador Carolina Boscamp. The school operated until 1793 and grew up morethan 12 Turkish interpreters. In the article, the organization and preparations for theopening of this school, maintaining its activities and closing stages will be presentedwith the Polish sources.