Raile Abdulvahit Kaşgarlı

Keywords: Language relationship, Modern Uyghur Turkish, Chinese, loanwords


The connection between Uighur Turkish and Chinese has surpassed a long historical process. In our time, Modern Uighur Turkish used in East Turkestan region has been in a closer relation with Chinese than even before in the history. Regarding the impact arising from the close relation between both languages, it can be mentioned that the affected language is Modern Uighur Turkish. However the ratio of effect manifests itself in a different aspect in written and verbal language. We studied the relationship between the two languages within the example of Chinese borrowings in the poems of famous Uighur poet Teyipcan Eliyev, who lived and created his works in East Turkestan between 1930-1989 and we aimed to illuminate the written language of Modern Uighur Turkish and Chinese. The method used is The Model of Explaining the Relation of Language and Influence, namely Code Copying Model, developed by Larsh Johanson. According to this model, the socially-dominant language (B) is Chinese and sociallyweak language (A) is Modern Uighur Turkish. In the study, the type of citations provided by B to A, constructive factors and non-linguistic factors have been studied based on the Chinese borrowings in the poems of Eliyev.