Hüseyin GÖKÇE

İnönü Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü

Keywords: Theword“saz”,The Turkish Dictionary, homonymousness.


Words with the same spelling and pronunciation but based on different etymologies are considered homonymous words. As in many languages, there are homonymous words in Turkish as well. In the Turkish Dictionary, Roman numerals are used to show that such words are homonymous. Although the Turkish Dictionary includes homonymous words, some words have escaped attention. Accordingly, some homonymous words were perceived as a polysemous words and were included in the dictionary in this way. This situation has often misled the dictionary users. Sometimes, correction and contribution studies were made, mostly at the article level, in order to correct such misconceptions. In this study too, some correction suggestions have been made about the homonymous word “saz” in the Turkish dictionary.

In Turkish Dictionary, there are two different homonymous words as “saz”, one in Turkish and one in Persian. However, as a result of the researches, it has been determined that there are three different homonymous words, one in Persian and two in Turkish. Since the homonymy is related to the Turkish Word “saz”, the Persian word “saz” is not emphasized. First of all, in order to understand the homonymy in the Turkish word “saz”, its meanings in historical and contemporary Turkish languages are emphasized. Then, the situation of this word in etymology studies is mentioned. In the conclusion part, suggestions about how to find this homophone word in Turkish Dictionary are given.