İbrahim Taş

Keywords: “Dìvānu LuŞāti ’t-turk”, dictionary, phonology


"Dìvānu LuŞāti 't-turk (DLT)" was written by Maḥmūd al-KāşŞarì [1008-1105], the son of Ḥusayn, between January 25, 1072 and February 10, 1074 Monday. It was submitted to al-MuḲtadÌ [1075-1094], the caliphate, on January 9, 1077 and the work is registered at the Istanbul Fatih National Library with the registration number Arabî 4189. So far, many studies, some of which are in the form of its trasnlation in Turkish and English, have been held on the "DLT" by the local and foreign researchers. One of the most serious problems during the translation period was the existence of different interpretations of the phonetic values of the Turkish words. In this study, I have attempted to do some evaluations on the phonologic values of such words, which were interpreted in different way in the translation period of "DLT"