A New Compound Suffix in Tatar and Bashkir Word Derivation: +lıklı /+lěklě
Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi https://ror.org/03a1crh56
Keywords: Tatar, Bashkir, compound suffix, suffix combination, noun formation
There are many ways to derive words, such as phonetical, morphological, word combination, the evolution of word groups into compound words, formation of compound words with the help of suffixes, changing of type and function, and abbreviations. The most active of these is undoubtedly the morphological way due to the structure of the Turkish language. Suffixes are classified as productive, less productive or dead in each period according to their frequency and are listed alphabetically or by frequency in our grammar studies. Apart from their frequency, there are various classifications of suffixes in terms of structure. They are basically defined as simple and compound suffixes. It cannot be determined precisely when compound suffixes were formed. It is generally thought that these occurred in the early and middle periods of the Turkish language history. However, in the context of the continuity of the language, this situation is also an indication that the current time is not accepted as the process of the existence of the language. In contrast, the suffix combinations may also occur in the recent period within this continuity The study points out the existence of the +lIklI (+lIk+lI) suffix, which is detected in Tatar and Bashkir literary languages and used to express human qualities. Examples showing that the suffix +lIk forms new forms by combining with other suffixes have also been presented in different studies. This article aims to reveal a method for detecting a suffix combination comparatively from several aspects.
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